While Tommy was out for a ride - Jackson, fresh off a bath, decided to have a go on Tommy's new laptop. Fortunately, the paparazzi was there to catch all the action.
Brian, Eddy, Ben the mechanic, and I are leaving for the Tour of Shenandoah today. We will meet up with the college boys: Brent and Jake, as well as Mark (our director), and Graham and Scott (2 fellas from the U23 program). It sounds like everyone is ready to do some damage. The other guys on the team: Richie, Robbie, Tommy, and Teddy are staying in Georgia for the Athens and Roswell crits next weekend. Glen will be flying out to join them Thurs. Those are a couple of the hardest crits all year long - the boys will have their work cut out for them. But, on the other hand, they'll be sporting the new Easton Tempest II carbons so they should tear some legs off. I'm just sorry they have to wait 4 days longer to race than us (hehehehe). Later on.
I'll try to update ya from Virginia.