No pictures today. Wish I would have brought my camera with me to CA but no. I'll just do my best to paint a picture with my words...uck. I'm in Santa Cruz at the moment doing the ol' "eat, ride, eat, sleep" routine. Boy, my life is boring when I get into these grooves. I started out in Santa Barbara and rode with peeps out there and revisited the infamous Mt. Figueroa climb and did the front side of Gibralter for the first time ever. Very cool climbs. Gibralter starts in Santa Barbara and climbs to the ridge overlooking the city and the ocean on one side and rows of foothills/mountains on the other. Figueroa was done with Teddy King and Stu Bone (my host/transport for this week+ trip). I rode with Creed for a total of 20' for the two days that I was there, but I've been assured that it's not due to lack of love. Also, checked out a killer coffee shop of former teammate Aaron Olson - Handlebar Coffee (try the croissants!). After 2 days of riding, we drove (rather, Stu drove) us up the coast to Santa Cruz with his Tundra and 25 ft Airstream in tow. Here, I'm being shown the local routes by none other than the NorCal legend BJM. We descended this road called Alpine Rd yesterday that took us through an old, ruggedly beautiful Redwood forest. It was stunning. I felt like a hobbit in the land of ents.
Next, we'll visit former teammate and current friend Joao for a couple days in Mill Valley, get some more riding in and then head back to Santa Cruz for training camp with the Junior Devo team that Stu runs.
For me, the fitness is starting to peak its head from around the curtain. I feel okay and I'm loving riding my bike. I'm really excited about the team for next year...which is sort of out of the bag but kinda not still? Anyway, there will be a team launch late this month so the gag order will be lifted soon at any rate. Thanks for following and all of the support.