after our Argentina campaign, we flew straight to training camp in Santa Rosa. With quite a few new additions to the team, it was good to finally meet each other and try out the new gear and equipment (which some of us had already done in Argentina and Wellington). Have I ever mentioned that we have about the best equipment sponsorship on the planet? We also got to spend quite a bit of time chatting and riding with most of our sponsors. A lot of times training camp is the only opportunity to meet many of the sponsors or at least get to spend some time with them, so it's nice to be able to get to know some of the personalities behind the forces that allow our team to exist. Besides a few of us getting sick at camp as well, everything went according to plan and it looks as though we are going to have a fun year of working together and winning races.
The Tour of California is coming up quick so that's been preoccupying most of my thoughts of late. It sounds like I'll have quite the friends and family contingent cheering there for parts of the race so that'll be a bonus. I've been feeling pretty good and gaining confidence coming into this year's edition, but if you haven't noticed, there is a pretty impressive start list for the race so I'm not sure what my fitness and confidence will translate to when head-to-head against the best in the world. All I know is that Bissell is going to race hard and make opportunities for ourselves. Let the circus begin!

Take care.